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Cookie Contest Winners

Are you looking for some great cookie recipes? Look no further than our January newsletter! We have all the winning recipes from the What's Cookin' Holiday Cookie Contest. Shown in the picture are (l-r) Krystal Nunley (Andes Mint Grinch Cookies- 3rd place), Shelley Beidelschies (Mexican Chocolate Cherry Rounds- 2nd place), Chelsea Gottfried (Salted Caramel Macarons-1st place). We have a soup contest coming up on Monday, January 28, so get out those soup pots and join the fun! 

Computer Coding Clubs for Kids

Students in grades 3-12 can sign up to join computer coding clubs facilitated by Lisa Andres during the months of February, March, and April. The coding clubs will be divided into two groups: Littlebits, for those in grades 3-5, will meet on Mondays from 3:00-4:30 p.m. and Megabytes , for those in grades 6-12, will meet on Wednesdays from 3:00-4:30 p.m.  Informational meetings for students and parents or caregivers  will be held on Thursday, January 17 at 3:00-4:00 p.m. or 5:30- 6:30 p.m. An email address for each student is highly recommended.

What can you make with Gelatin?

That's what the Cookbook Discussion Group wants to know!  Do you have a family favorite recipe? A special dish that has been passed down through generations? Bring it to our potluck meal and share the recipe. 

Guest speaker Pati Bardon will present her experiences growing up in the restaurant business and starting up her own food truck business. Join us!Cookbook Discussion Group flyer with information