Culinary Programs

Upper Sandusky Community Library has a large collection of cookbooks available for the residents of its service area. The library also offers two regular culinary programs: Lunch Bunch and Taste of . . . 



Lunch Bunch, led by Cheryl Lyon, meets on the fourth Monday of every month at noon in the library's large meeting room to discuss recipes and enjoy a potluck featuring foods from a theme selected by the group each month. 

The themes for 2025 are: 

  • January: Soup & Bread
  • February: Valentine's Day
  • March: Dolly Parton Recipes
  • April: 
  • May: 
  • June: 
  • July: 
  • August: 
  • September: 
  • October: 
  • November: 
  • December: 

The group is open to the public. More information about Lunch Bunch and its themes can be found in the monthly newsletter. Check out past What's Cookin' videos on the Upper Sandusky Community Library's YouTube channel.  



Taste of . . . is a bimonthly program led by Patti and Tony Davidson that focuses on a different theme every year. It meets at 6:00 p.m. in the library's large meeting room. Registration is required for this event. 

The program kicked off in 2022 with Taste of the Town, which featured local restaurant owners giving cooking demonstrations on dishes that could be found on their menus. The program then evolved into Taste of the World in 2023, where the Davidsons took you on a trip around the world by featuring recipes from various countries, such as Israel, Philippines, and the Caribbean. In 2024, Patti and Tony went on a trip through time with Taste of History featuring recipes found around the world prior to the 1600s. 

In 2025 they'll show off some of the best recipes throughout the decades. 

The Taste of the Decades themes are: 

  • January: 1920s (Chicken a la King and Pineapple Upside Down Cake)
  • March: 1930s
  • May: 1940s
  • July: 1950s
  • September: 1960s
  • November: 1970s

The group is open to the public, though registration is required. More information can be found in the monthly newsletter.

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